I saw this #edublogsclub a couple of weeks ago and decided to check it out. I signed up yesterday so that I could challenge myself to write weekly about something even if I thought I had nothing to say.
So here’s the first one!
I’m definitely new to educational blogging. I blogged for a while for friends and family about the crazy antics of my animals (dogs, ducks, chickens, and turtles) but I haven’t done that in a loooong time. I’ve always enjoyed writing and I like trying to be witty and entertaining in writing and I’m trying to include some of that in my writing here (where appropriate.)
I keep up with blogs through Feedly and Twitter. I read every morning while I ride my spinner bike and exercise. I’m always looking for new blogs to add. I follow blogs on all different topics- social media marketing, edtech, languages and even math and science. Since my job as an instructional technology coach is to help all disciplines I like to have an idea what’s going trending in other subjects.
My goals for this #edublogsclub are to motivate me to post every week. I have lots of ideas, but I know when I start back at the college in February finding the time to blog will be hard. My hope is that having a prompt will prompt (ha ha) me to post something short and maybe that will help me keep up with my own ideas.